Cocktail reception at Belgrade’s Botanical Garden is the first in a line of events marking AmCham’s 20th anniversary
A party mood was very much in evidence at AmCham’s first live gathering since February 2020, as the organisation marked a major jubilee – 20 years of growth. Against the picturesque backdrop of the Jevremovac Botanical Garden, the attendees, representing AmCham member companies, partners, and associates, toasted the anniversary.
‘It’s a lovely feeling to meet you face to face again at an AmCham event after such a long time. The past year has been anything but easy, and so has this one – but how about twenty years of perseverance in Serbia? That’s a huge success. In Serbia, AmCham has achieved a great deal in bringing about regulatory change, but we believe there are still things in our country we can change if we bring our knowledge, ideas, and strength together. It is because of you, our member companies, and your engagement and support, that we have been able to endure for these 20 years, and I thank you for it’, said Zoran Petrović, President of the AmCham Serbia Board of Governors, addressing the guests.