Action Plan of the National Trade Facilitation Body
By AmChamPublished On 16/07/2018
For Expert Working Group on agriculture, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, which has Milanka Davidović, Head of Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management as Chairperson, next topics are suggested: shortening the duration of import procedures for agricultural and food products, with special review of easily perishable goods, establishing a system of risk analyses by all inspectoral services, as well as ensuring determined collaboration between all different inspectoral services. AmCham representatives in this working group are Dragana Cvetković and Amalija Pavić.
Expert Working Group on technical barriers in trade and measures with equal effect in trade, which has Zoran Bakić as Chairperson, who is the group leader, from the Ministry of Economy, suggested are these topics: establishing an analyses risk system, aligning domestic regulations with the EU, decreasing delays in issuing registration for new medicines and renewal of registration, as well as additional simplification of acceptance of foreign certificates of conformity procedures. AmCham in this working group is presented by Ana Popara and Amalija Pavić.
Chairperson of the Expert Working Group on the customs system is Snežana Karanović, Assistant Director, Ministry of Finance – Customs Administration and the next topics are suggested for focus of this working group: decreasing time needed for releasing mandatory notifications of origin and classification of goods, preparation for electronic filing a request for the issuance of a binding notification of the origin of goods and verifying the knowledge of origin, promotion and education of the private sector in terms of using simplified customs procedures and the status of the Authorized Economic Operator, doing risk analyses before receiving express mails, etc. Nataša Čuknić and Ana Milić are AmCham’s representatives on this working group.
The fourth, final, working group is an Expert Working Group on Implementation of measures for facilitating trade from international and regional trade agreements, which has Tatjana Dinkić, from the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications as Chairperson. Coordination of making notifications under the Agreement on Trade Simplification, by the World Trade Organization, coordination of creating a program of common acceptance of the status of the Authorized Economic Operator, coordination of preparation of common acceptance of documents which are being submitted by import and export of the goods’ program, is one of the suggested topics for this working group. AmCham representatives are Slobodanka Cucić and Ana Milić.