According to research, ''The Global Illicit Trade Environment Index,” by The Economist Intelligence Unit, Serbia is in 57th place out of 84 states considered by four categories : politics and laws aimed at preventing illicit trade, corruption, money laundry and protecting intellectual property, institutions which enforce those laws and report to the public, tax policy which does not encourage illicit trade and customs policy which efficiently fulfill its mandate aimed at facilitating trade to legal entities and stopping illegal traffic.
Jelena Pavlović, the president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia, said that grey economy is one out of three biggest problems of the business community because disloyal concurrence affects all industries. She also mentioned that we have a lot of work to do in order to decrease the grey economy to an acceptable level compared to other developed economies, also that the modern age demands paying more attention to online illicit trade.
Christopher Clague, managing editor of The Economist Intelligence Unit, said that Serbia is better than average of countries that were included in research in the category of the customs environment, while together with Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro faces challenges which refer to problems of corruption, strengthening of institutions and lack of transparency.