The AmChamps had the opportunity to learn about business transformation and corporate affairs, receive advice on case study development, discover the challenges of product placement in the market, and ultimately have fun through BizQuiz.
The lecture “Business Transformation and Corporate Affairs” was led by Ivan Miletić, Director of Corporate Affairs at Philip Morris International. During the lecture, Miletić shared his company’s experiences in the transformation process through multiple iterations. He particularly emphasized the importance of public advocacy and responsible corporate participation in the regulatory decision-making process that impacts business as well as the broader societal context. Participants had the opportunity to ask him questions regarding the company’s approach to advertising its products and research on the impact of tobacco products on user health.
The workshop “Case Study – Tips and Tactics” served as preparation for the task participants would undertake during the regular program. The workshop was led by Nikola Mirković, Chief Financial Officer of Gomex, and coordinator of ECSC and AmChamps alumni, with support from his mentor in the program, Filip Branović, Product Analyst at Jaggaer. Participants were introduced to case studies as a key tool for analyzing the current business environment and a practical way to assess the opportunities and challenges companies face in the market.
In the panel “Product Placement in the Market,” representatives from MSD (Merck, Sharp & Dohme) discussed the journey of a product from idea to final placement in the market, using the example of the HPV vaccine as a product from a sensitive group facing many challenges along its path. The panelists were Nebojša Škuljec, Sandra Marinković, Bogdan Lisul, and Petar Filipović, top managers at MSD, moderated by Miloš Metlić, an AmChamps alumni.
Following these lectures, a BizQuiz was organized, providing participants with the opportunity to have fun, test their knowledge, and enhance their teamwork spirit.