First steps for students and managers attending this year’s AMCHAMPS program.
The tenth season of the AmChamps program recently took place, featuring workshops centered around Mentorship, Introduction to Coaching and Personal Potentials, as well as Strategies and Techniques for Finding a Job. These workshops are dedicated to equipping participants with essential skills to navigate the challenges ahead in the program.
The Mentorship workshop delved into the contemporary significance of mentoring in business, emphasizing the establishment of a strong mentor-mentee relationship. Ana Bogićević, Learning Specialist from Tack TMI, and Boris Bočvarski, HR Learning and Development Manager at Generali, led the insightful session.
The Introduction to Coaching and Personal Potential workshop, tailored for managers, provided mentors with a conceptual understanding of coaching. This session served as a precursor to individual coaching sessions planned for all managers. Jelena Kralj, a seasoned AmChamps coaching partner, shared valuable insights into the benefits of self-improvement through coaching.
Simultaneously, students participated in the Strategies and Techniques for Finding a Job workshop. Here, they gained valuable insights into the initial steps of the job search process, the importance of a well-crafted CV, networking strategies, and personal branding to enhance their presentation to prospective employers. The workshop was led by Iva Jovanović, Recruitment Consultant, and Andjela Radenković, HR Consultant from Gi Group.