Online meeting is part of events to mark International Women’s Day
Representatives of AmCham member companies attended a webinar organised together with the U.S. Department of Commerce, AmCham EU, and AmChams in Europe (ACE).
#Embrace Equity is the theme of this year’s International Women’s Day and focuses on the importance of equity to achieving equality and calls for everyone to fully embrace equity within their own sphere of influence.
The webinar discussed topics related to the #Empower Her initiative, embracing equity, diversity, and inclusion, and ongoing corporate programs and practices.
The speakers were Marisa Lago, US Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, Susan Danger, Chair of AmChams in Europe, and CEO AmCham EU, Márcia Balisciano, Chief Sustainability Officer at RELX, Alessandra Santacroce, Director of Government and Regulatory Affairs at IBM, and Oualae Alami, Vice President and Global Influenza Lead at Pfizer.
In October 2022, AmCham Serbia joined the #Empower Her initiative, which aims at promoting the economic empowerment of women in the workplace, women in leadership positions, and women entrepreneurs. Having recognized the importance of women’s economic empowerment to growth, AmCham Serbia has been helping promote gender equality in business, aware that respecting women’s rights was a necessary prerequisite for that. AmCham Serbia will seek to recognize member companies that have already embraced gender equality in their operations, and these companies will be made ambassadors of the project. AmCham Serbia will continue working with businesses, government authorities, and the civil sector to exchange experiences and best practices.
Video of the event is available here.